Coccinella Design代表的不仅是这只昆虫背后的美好寓意,更体现了一种生活方式和价值观念,面对纷繁复杂的世界,你我都是一个孤岛,只有家才是心灵的港湾,冰冷、锐利和线条都不是能用来形容“家”的词语。Coccinella Design希望用更积极的生活方式将爱和梦想照进现实,通过打造“积极生活方式”实现从“心”开始,用积极的态度开启无限创造力,让创新产品改变生活,让生活提升品质。COCCINELLA DESIGN相信,每一个人都值得拥有幸福的人生,希望通过自身的力量,持续关注社会弱势群体,让社会责任感与品牌发展并进。
Coccinella Design demonstrates not only a longing for happiness and joy which the tiny lovely creatures may bring according to the legend. It also embodies a way of life and values. In this realistic world, everyone lives like an islet. Only at home can we relax our mind. Cold colors and sharp-edged lines can never deliver a feeling of "home". Upholding this idea, Coccinella Design aims at making dreams come true by bettering everyone's life in a more positive way. Coccinella Design encourages everyone to follow their heart and enjoy an active lifestyle. With positive attitude we unlock endless creativity, and, with creative products, we intend to better your life. Coccinella Design always believe that, everyone deserves a happy life. While developing the brand, Coccinella Design, driven by the social responsibility, makes efforts to care about those who need help.
Coco从当初梦想要解决奶奶的困扰,成就了Coccinella Design这个如此“积极”的品牌,也正如Coccinella Design这个名字背后的寓意,把幸福和多彩带给每一个人,用色彩唤醒世界的沉默,让这份积极帮助你成就梦想,Coccinella Design——愿色彩源自我身,染至你心。
Coco's dream of helping her grandma finally comes true, and that's how the brand creates a positive meaning. Just like the brand name Coccinella Design, the Coccinella Design team aims to bring everyone joy and happiness, to paint the world with passion and tenderness, and to help you realize your dreams. Coccinella Design—We design to color your life.